Edit Oblivion's Lie - SheerTerror

Strong words: air, caress, cover, dirt, eyes, feathers, perched, plucked, rise, screams, sky, sleeps, strands, strangling, strings, thread  Weak words: abide, belief, each, elegant, far, fear, free, gathered, moment, need, remedy, render, sorrow, subtle, sway, times, violent, your  helphide

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Autorank - Under 2 point differences have low meaning. Total 3.5, professional similarity 3 (of 10), concrete vs abstract 0 (of 2), noun/verb/etc order 1.0 (of 1), feelings - show don't tell -0.5 (of -1)


Trends from our study of 6 million poems. Do what makes you happy, though!

  • #1: Show, don't tell. Detail is king. Why
  • Rhyming is amazing, but the challenge distracts beginners from more important attributes like detailed descriptions and story. Read the poetry repair manual.

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